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Returns & Shipping

*** Your product will be shipping from the United States. Please know you're country's shipping restrictions before placing your order! Please also note any local postal strikes, weather emergencies, other factors that will prohibit/delay the shipment of your order. ***



  • If the item is damaged or defective, please call us immediately for instructions. Claims for damaged or defective items must be made within 10 days after receipt of goods. Normal wear is not considered a defect.
  • Personalized items that are not damaged upon receipt are nonrefundable.
  • If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with any of your purchase, simply return it within 10 days and we will promptly refund the item price, or replace the product free of charge. Returned items should be in original packaging, including tags attached. Normal time to process your return is 10-14 days upon receipt of package.
  • When returning any part of your order, please write an explanation on the packing slip or separate piece of paper and enclose both with your shipment. Carefully secure the package and the merchandise to prevent damage in transit.

Send to:
c/o Sullivan's Irish Alley, INC
104 E. Main St.
Flushing, MI



  • We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some items.
  • When you place an order, the shipping cost will be added automatically. We ship all our products via USPS Priority Mail. 
  • Please also note that the shipping rates for International orders are based on USPS Priority International Post, and reflect both package size and weight.
  • Please be sure you have entered the correct shipping address before placing your order. will not be responsible for the cost of re-shipping your order to the corrected address, should you fail to enter the correct information.